Destination Earth Sea Ice Decision Enhancement
Ships operating in the polar regions encounter hazards that present elevated levels of risk and more severe consequences when accidents occur.
The DESIDE project will utilize Destination Earth system capabilities and data to provide comprehensive sea ice and related information for policy and operational decision makers in the Baltic Sea, European Arctic Ocean, and other polar regions.
Benefits to polar operations and society will include:

- Aggregating diverse information sources to provide common products across jurisdictional boundaries.
- Producing new forecast products to improve decision-making by users.
- Customizing delivery of products to different user communities based on their needs.
Deliver short and medium-term forecasts of ice, meteorological, and ocean conditions, meeting the requirements of the IMO Polar Code.
Provide long-term forecasts on changing ice and other conditions, enabling planning and policy development for the fishing, tourism, research, and oil and gas industries.
Use Cases
Sea Ice Climate Indicators
Integrated dataset combining sea ice climate indicators based on observations (e.g. EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice SAF) and climate model projections. These indicators should be available pan-Arctic as well as regionally. Accompanying this will be a web service allowing users to interactively play with various parameters. The combination of observed and projected indicators will help establish trust in projections. This web service can be integrated into dashboards which AMAP is developing.

Arctic and Baltic Sea Voyages
Provide navigation-relevant, high temporal and spatial resolution sea ice information products to ice-going ships in the Arctic and Baltic Sea. The data needs to be delivered in an easy-to-use user-friendly way which provides interpretation help and allows for easy decision-making even without expert sea ice knowledge. Due to the dynamic nature of moving sea ice, forecasts of the variable conditions are oftentimes mission-critical as well.

Decision Support Levels
The Use Case will demonstrate the added value of the DestinE system in supporting policy and decision making at three levels within the context of polar operations:
Execution support:
Supporting ships needing to avoid or navigate through sea ice.
Planning support:
Supporting ship operators in planning polar voyages, guided by the information requirements of the IMO Polar Code.
Strategy and policy support:
Supporting organizations and policy analysts wanting to assess the impact of climate change on future decisions regarding polar operations.
Data Ingestion:
Collect past, current, and forecasted information on sea ice, snow thickness, icebergs, ocean currents and waves, wind, temperature, visibility, and Sentinel-1 imagery from DESP/DestinE.
Data Processing, Modeling, and Analysis:
Use models, machine learning, and algorithms to process data for different user communities.

Information Dissemination:
Through decision support platforms.
Information Product Generation:
Create short, medium, and long-term sea ice charts, risk profiles, and route optimization suggestions for better decision-making.
Decision Support Platforms
Decision support will be provided in three ways to meet different needs and levels of sophistication of user groups:
The DESIDE project will be implemented between February 2024 and February 2025.
For further information, please contact:
David Arthurs
Phone: +45 7 872 4505 ext. 1